Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Week Four

The sketch above is a section taken along the length of a portal frame with an adjoing office and reception.

This image indicates where the section above was taken. It also gives a detail f the composite flooring system that was used to separate the office and the reception.

Week Three

This is a section taken along the length of a portal frame.

Amendments to Week Two

The image above indicates the amendments of the portal frame section from week one. I have added a concrete slab panel, c section girts and cladding.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Week Two

The image above illustrates the basic contruction elements of a Portal Frame. The structural elements include: the stanchion or column and the rafter or beam (both generally universal beams) which create the knee joint, apex, Z purlins (can also be C purlins), Z girts (can also be C girts), safety mesh, box gutter, generally pad footing with an infill slab and a rigid base or pin joint connection.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Week One

The images bellow represent a commercial building illustrating the type of construction techniques used to build it. The Drummond golf building is located in Melbourne in Preston on Bell St. The architect is unknown.

This is an overall shot of The Drummond Golf Building.

This image illustrates the right hand side of the building and the way the roof was constructed with a large arch!!

This is an interior shot of the building. This image illustrates the front right hand side corner of the building. It shows how the building was constructed with a steel frame.

This image represents the right hand side wall and the way the arch was constructed with a series of steel beams.

This image illustrates an overall view of how one of the main central columns attaches to the ceilings beam system.

The photo above illustrates in more detail the way the central column and the ceilings beams intersect.