Friday, May 25, 2007


The link below is a great article i found on the one steel website. It is a case study on a gymnasium in Queensland on the Gold Coast. It is interesting the way the building was made. Instead of using a typical Haunching found in a portal frame construction, the haunchings in this case were cold rolled to form a type of curve that evidently creates the knee joint required for such a long span. Very Interesting, Check It Out!!

This is another great article I found on steel from the One Steel Website.

Below is a link to some really good Timber Portal Frame case studies. Click into Store Building Mt Gambia South Ausralia. This is the building that Jermey always shows us of a timber portal frame!!

Also worth checking out is the article on Olympic Exhibition Building. It's great because it shows how flexible timber is to work with compared to steel. There is a lot you can achieve with timber that can't be achieved with steel.

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