Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Major Project Final

Above is my poster for the Major Project. I chose to look at Glenn Murcutt's construction techniques. I decided to create a large arched roof and also use Z section purlins along the rafters and columns, similarly toMurcutt. I also included a parapet. Sitting on the girt i used 60x60 SHS in order to hold up the c section girt. In the overall design, SHS's run along the z section girt in a stepped ladder type system, which is also braced Along the length of the c section girt i used timber packing in order to fix the flashing and the capping.

Above is a photo of the model during its construction. I decided to construct a 1:2 model rather thatn a 1:10. I wanted to to see how everything works and how everything fits together really well. In the photo you will notice that i had to add a piece of timber (the clampped one) to hold up the z section purlin. This is not apart of the actual construction i only needed to use it to hold up the purlin.

Above is the SHS connected to the C section girt with the packing before I connected it to the column

Here I attached the parapet system and also the box gutter!!

The above two photos illustrate the complete model before I sprayed it with silver paint. Also to note i used spandek for the roof and wall cladding because I was unable to find the suitable corrugated material.

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